Hey family! December is finally here!

Christmas time! Hope for the world! Joy to the world the Lord has come!

Most things are shutting down for the year with Homegroups having BBQs and Christmas parties. 

But here are some things to look out for this month:
The 20th of December is our carol service and family dinner. Be sure to let us know if you are attending family dinner - call Ann in the office or message Corrina. 

Youth group is having a Secret Santa break up on the 16th as well. Guaranteed to be a fun time!

We are planning on giving away 100 Christmas basket this year. We want to bless our community and show them that we think the people of Stratford matter - so we are asking for donations of Grape juice, chips, dip, lollies and chocolate. If you would like to nominate someone or contribute please like above, message Corrina or call Ann.

Be safe these holidays! 

God bless!

AuthorCorrina Sheed

New Zealand is officially at COVID level 1. Meaning we are free to gather. Our little country has done so well and for that we are thankful! If you attended our last level 2 worship service before lockdown you might remember our prayers. Perhaps we can be a little bold and say God was listening? 

With Level 1 we are filling the calendar back up! Lifegroup, Ladies Groups, Youth group etc it’s all back!  Short of Activate - Michaela and Josh are still sorting a plan for Brynn for that one. But we’ll have that up and running soon

We would love to see you throughout the week! There is always coffee on at the church building so feel free to pop in!

AuthorCorrina Sheed

Hey family. 

The last week has been unsettling, to say the least for most of us in New Zealand, with all of our lives suddenly changing. From being full and thriving with people and things happening all around us to suddenly being home ans stuck there. This four-week period is for some, going to be a trial. While we are confident that it is the best approach to tackle COVID- 19 we aware that it creates some holes in our community.

To manage this we have created a Facebook private group called ‘ MountianView online.’  We are hoping that this will be a place where our vibrant community can continue to exist. You will find the link below. Click that and you’re there.  

If Facebook isn’t your thing, and we fully get why it isn’t. We will encourage you to grab your address book and text, phone, skype, DM...etc, the people who the Holy Spirit leads us to. We can’t let isolation, isolate us.


Be safe and be at peace.

AuthorCorrina Sheed

Hey family, updates regarding COVID -19 and what we are doing this week.


We were really impressed with everyone's self-isolating and social distancing on Sunday. John's message on being a "both-and Church" in times like this was great, keeping each other at distance is the best way to love one another in this troubled time. This message was recorded and is available from Josh on Facebook. In light of this, we are canceling everything that we can not safely say social distance practices can be met. 


Activate, Youth Group and Music4Kidz are no longer running.


We are aware that some will feel incredibly isolated, so we are asking people to reach out to one another. Make it a personal goal to text, ring or message someone from our phone book each day. Just because we are not meeting together does not mean we need to be isolated! We have phones and Internet!

God bless, be at peace!

AuthorCorrina Sheed

Hey family. As we are all aware COVID-19 has reached New Zealand. These are uncertain and stressful times for all of us, so normality in times like these is something we will treasure. This Sunday we are making some changes to how we do church at MountainView while still be able to do church. 

Our government has asked for local faith and community groups to not hold gathering of more than one hundred people. So in response to that our main service is being split into two services, one in the morning and one at night. 

Our 10:30 AM service is for families with school aged children. Kids will be heading straight to Kids Church while adults will head towards the auditorium.

Our 6:30 PM service is for elderly, singles and couples without kids. No children at the evening service please. 

This is for this Sunday. It may change over time. But we are very confident that this Sunday this is going ahead as we've specified. 

When not to come: 

Sometimes the best way to show love to one another to protect one another by being away. So in saying that if you have knowingly been in contact with people who have just arrived from overseas trips, or are feeling unwell, coughing, fever or other COVID19 symptoms. That is a moment to love your community and stay home. If you have underlying health conditions that place you at risk we also are asking that you be wise and consider whether attending is wise or not.

We are asking for we, as a community to be wise and to not be "stubborn in faith." We are very aware that God heals and protects yet we balance tension of "the here and not yet." Be blessed! Be wise! May the peace of God grow in our hearts as we approach these uncertain times.

AuthorCorrina Sheed